Pattern Matching in Python: Expanding the Horizons of Engineering Applications


  • Malusi Sibiya


Python, Pattern Matching, Signal Processing, Structural Matching


Pattern matching is a powerful programming construct that simplifies code, enhances readability, and enables efficient handling of complex data structures. This paper introduces the pattern matching feature newly introduced in Python 3.10 and explores its applications in various engineering domains. The aim of this research is to showcase how Python's pattern matching capability can be leveraged for parsing and analyzing data, structural matching in data analysis, model and system validation, and signal processing. Through illustrative examples and case studies, we demonstrate the versatility and effectiveness of Python pattern matching in solving real-world engineering problems. By introducing pattern matching in Python, this research opens new avenues for engineers and scientists to tackle complex data processing tasks, enhance system validation techniques, and streamline algorithmic implementations. With the integration of pattern matching into Python's ecosystem, the language becomes even more powerful and expressive, empowering practitioners to write cleaner, more concise, and efficient code. This research lays the foundation for the adoption and exploration of pattern matching techniques in Python, highlighting its potential impact on engineering applications and providing a roadmap for future research and development in this field.


